Nov 05, 2021

The Faraway Nearby - Behind the Scenes

Head behind the scenes of The Faraway Nearby and find out how state-of-the-art virtual technology enables filmmakers to tell the story of Joseph Weber – the first scientist to explore the detection of gravitational waves. The Faraway Nearby team illustrate the power of virtual production, in its ability to bring the narrative to life in such a way that it becomes difficult to tell what is real and what is not.

The Mo-Sys StarTracker is the glue that pulls virtual production together. Accurate, reliable camera tracking is essential to virtual production. We set the Mo-Sys [StarTracker] up and it runs all day long with no problems. That's what I want from a film shoot.

Todd Freese, Resolution Productions Group SVP/CTO

The Mo-Sys StarTracker camera tracking technology is relied upon to bring this production together, facilitating a level of creative and convincing storytelling that simply could not be conveyed through traditional documentary-making means.

Watch the full video below:


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