Warm Bodies

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Cold Body. Warm Heart.

Just like the Twilight saga, this film is not vampires, but zombies, with DoP Javier Augirresarobe doing the Twilight saga’s films and Warm Bodies for Summit. With Key grip Kenneth McKenzie and great locations to shoot around Montreal, we had the Mo-Sys head working overtime on this dramatic zombie film.

Javier wanted the conventional 2 and 3 axis head with the addition of stabilization at different points of the shoot, and we gave him what he wanted every time. Some shots were on a GF8 crane with 2 axis for lock off shots others went from 3axis stabilized on a 50 foot super techno crane to a 2nd unit on a 30 foot techno to finish. It proved to be long days for both the Head tech and the Mo-Sys head.

Then we faced the next challenge which got a lot of people talking! Give McKenzie a challenge! Chase the actors across a stadium!

Introducing to Montreal the static Car-Pole Mini with stabilized head! The recipe; 1 golf cart, 1 Car Pole with remote head (stabilized ofcourse), a few key clamps and alu tubes, and hey presto – a golf cart on steroids doing an impressive shot! All in all we used 15, 30 and 50 foot techno cranes, a GF8, golf cart, and a pickup truck rig – a very busy 47 days of shooting!

Whilst filming we received news that there was a new software upgrade available for the gyro that truly gave the Mo-Sys head an impressive new performance; keeping the roll to a true horizon with elimination of drifting, and adding a cornering option! So while on set, a quick call to Handsome Rob, Mo-Sys resident geek, we uploaded the package. Our weekend away from Warm Bodies on yet another successful Nissan TV commercial, the head was again pushed to its limits! And what were the results of driving around the streets of Montreal for hours on end? A clear day and night difference, only once did I have to tell the roll to go to the horizon!

Back on Warm Bodies we continued to go from rig to rig, crane to crane, 1st to 2nd units, and with speed switched between different options for different applications.

This head has come a long way in the last few years. The hard work & vision from team Mo-Sys along with techs input has allowed an amazing versatile product come to light.

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